A mug is a ceramic or glass with a handle and a big mouth, usually used to drink hot drinks such as coffee, tea, and hot chocolate. It first appeared in Britain in the 19th century and was designed to make it easier for workers to drink tea while working. Later, mugs gradually became popular around the world and became an indispensable part of daily life.

Mugs come in many patterns, colors, and words, and some can even change color depending on temperature or light. You can choose a mug that suits you according to your own preferences, or customize a mug that is exclusive to you. Mugs can be paired with different drinks, allowing you to enjoy different textures and atmospheres.

A wineglass is a glass or crystal cup with feet and a thin mouth, usually used to drink wine, champagne, sherry and other alcoholic drinks. It first appeared in ancient Egypt and Rome as a luxurious headdress used by nobles and rich people at banquets. Later, the wine glass became an essential tool for tasting and appreciating wine, and was admired by many wine critics and lovers.

Wine glasses come in many shapes and sizes, and different wines require different glasses to display their flavors and aromas. You can choose the right glass for the wine you drink, or collect different glasses as decorations. Wine glasses can be paired with different dishes, allowing you to enjoy different foods and wines.

Crystal ball
A crystal ball is a round, transparent or translucent glass or crystal ball, often used as an ornament or divination tool. It first appeared in medieval Europe as a prop used by some mystics and wizards to predict the future or communicate with the spirit world. Later, the crystal ball became a popular art and collectible and was loved by many people.

Crystal balls come in many colors and interior patterns, and some can even emit colored light. You can choose your own crystal ball according to your own preferences, or give it to your relatives and friends as a gift. Crystal balls can be placed in different places to make you feel different atmospheres and charms.